FAQ Regarding the Transition Period

What is an licenseed Registrar?

licenseed Registrar is an entity that is duly authorized by SaudiNIC to provide Registration Services or to perform any relevant tasks. Registrars are licenseed following specific procedures and in accordance to Registrar Regulations.

Where can I find the list of licenseed registrars?

The list of licensed registrars, their information, as well as the contact info will be published on the Registrars page.

Should all current registrants transfer their domain(s) to one of the licenseed registrars?

Yes, after announcing the list of licenseed registrars, governement agencies must transfer their domain to the Digital Government Agency. Non-government agencies and individuals must transfer their domains to ann licenseed registrar by following the Transfer From SaudiNIC to Registrar process.

Is there a time limit for transferring my domain name to an licenseed registrar, and will the domain name continue working during that time limit?

All registrants will be given a time limit until the end of March 2022 to complete the transfer process. Until that time, domains will be active and working normally. However, if the transfer process is not completed before the end of the given time limit then the domain name will be subject to cancellation.

During the transition time frame, can I modify the registration information for a domain name?

The modification of domain name registration information is suspended. and registrants must transfer the domain to an licenseed registrar, and then modify domain information via the services offered by the registrar.

Does transferring the domain name has any impact on other domain name services such as hosting and email?

No, it doesn’t impact other services because transferring domain name aims to change the management of registration records to be through the registrar instead of managing it directly through SaudiNIC. Therefore, it has no impact on other services such as hosting and email.

How can I update the administrative contact if the modification of domain name information is disabled?

The administrative contact can be updated by using the service update registrant identity and administrative contact service.

What will happen if the domain is not transferred before the deadline?

After the deadline, all domains that have not been transferred to a registrar will be canceled.

What are the required information to complete the transfer process?

Domain name registration information must be updated, especially the contact information for the administrative contact (email, mobile) since that the transfer process requires accuracy of contact information.

How can I transfer my domain to an licenseed registrar?

The transfer can be done via the (Transfer from SaudiNIC to an licenseed Registrar) process.

Will fees be introduced to Saudi domain names?

Yes, there will be fees for new registration and renewals, and they will be set by the registrars. During the transfer process, the domain will be renewed for 1 year, which entails a renewal fee based on price set by the registrar.