Steps for Providing Additional Information and Documents to SaudiNIC

This procedure allow the Administrative Contact (based on a request from SaudiNIC) to send additional required information and documents to SaudiNIC related to a registered domain name. These additional information and documentations must be provided within the time period determined by SaudiNIC and according to the means of communication or format specified by SaudiNIC.

1-SaudiNIC requests information or additional documents

SaudiNIC sends a request to the Administrative Contact to provide additional information or documents by sending him/her an email with a link that leads to a form for submitting required information or documents.

2- Filling up the service form

The Administrative Contact fills the received form. The Administrative Contact must make sure that the form is filled correctly and all errors are corrected prior to submission.

3- Uploading the documents

The Administrative contact then uploads the needed documents as requested by SaudiNIC. The documents must be uploaded in the proper electronic format as specified by SaudiNIC. The common formats accepted are (png, jpg, gif, Tiff, or PDF).

If the requested document is a letter, then it must be authenticated by the chamber of commerce ( in the case of local companies ) or a Saudi embassy ( in the case of international companies ) .

4- Review and confirm the request

The entire request information are displayed to the Administrative Contact in order to review and confirm their accuracy and correctness of the request before sending it to SaudiNIC.

5- Processing the request by SaudiNIC

After successfully completing all the previous steps the provided information and documents are officially considered to be received by SaudiNIC. After that the processing procedure will start. The results of processing the provided information and documents will be one of the following:

  1. Accepted. Then, the current Administrative Contact will be notified that the submitted provided information and documents fulfill SaudiNIC requirements.
  2. Rejected. Then, the current Administrative Contact will be notified with the reason.


  • If the Administrative Contact fails to provide the required information and documents within the provided period of time may cause suspension or/and deletion of the domain name according to the Saudi Domain Names Regulations.
  • All users requesting this service implicitly confirm their understanding and acceptance of the terms and conditions detailed in the Domain names Registration Regulations published in SaudiNIC's website.