General Rules
- Registrars are authorized to provide the registration for all Saudi TLDs except the government TLD (
- Since there are many registration channels, the availability of domain name within the submission period does not ensure the availability after the review stage.
- The domain name registration information must, at a minimum, include:
- The full name of the Registrant, as displayed in official documents
- The national address, telephone number and email address of the Registrant.
- The full name, mobile number and email address of the Administrative Contact
- The full name, mobile number and email address of the Technical Contact
- The full name, mobile number and email address of the Billing Contact
- A Registrant must provide a proof for their eligibility to register a Saudi domain name according to the article (2-5) in Saudi Domain Registration Regulation.
- A Registrant must provide a proof for their eligibility for the required Saudi TLD according to the article (3-1) in the Registration Rules.
- A Registrant must provide a proof for the relationship between the registrant and the requested domain name according to the article (4-4) in Saudi Domain Registration Regulation.
- The contact information of the Administrative Contact must be complete, accurate, up-to-date and local to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- The registration request must be approved by SaudiNIC, If the requested domain name includes reserved domain names, or it’s under one of the following TLDs:,, and
- The domain name registration period must not be shorter than one (1) year, and no longer than ten (10) years.
- All registration requests shall be subject to review by SaudiNIC. SaudiNIC retains the right to review any request prior to, or following completion of the registration process. SaudiNIC also retains the right to require any additional documentation at its own discretion.
The general steps for the procedure
- Choose the Registrar.
- Submit the registration request to the registrar, which must include all required information and documents as described in the general rules.
- The registrar will review the request and ensure that it complies with the regulations and rules. Accordingly, the request will be accepted or rejected.
- If the domain name is not in the reserved list or under the special TLDs, it will be registered after registrar approval and the registrant will be notified.
- if the domain name is under one of the special TLDs or in the reserved list, SaudiNIC will review the request within two (2) working days then notify the registrar with decision (accept/reject).
- The registrar will notify the admin contact with the final decision.